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Date: 4/17/2024
Subject: April Newsletter
From: Megan Feighny

The Voter Newsletter
CLICK HERE to learn more about the calendar

On April 13, the Douglas County Commission unanimously approved the application of the Kansas Sky Energy Project by the Savion company, a division of Evergy, to build a 1000+ acre utility scale solar installation near the Lawrence Airport.  Through the work of our LWVL-DC Study Group on Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation in Douglas County, led by Kay Johnson, our League supports this project.  We presented the following public comment at the April 13 Commission meeting.

Through the League of Women Voters of Lawrence-Douglas County’s multi-year study of renewable energy and energy conservation in our county, we reviewed and support the utility-scale solar Kansas Sky Energy Project and we commend the Commission for creating solar regulations and considering this project.


Some have criticized utility-scale solar in Douglas County because they don’t want such an installation in their backyard.  We currently have in our collective backyard a coal-fired power plant and a need to stop generating electricity by burning fossil fuels by 2030.  Utility-scale solar is non-polluting, generates tax revenue, and does not require water or the mining and burning of fossil fuels to generate electricity.  The electricity generated in the Kansas Sky Energy Project will go directly into the current energy grid. When the coal fired plant is finally taken off-line and out of the county tax base, having tax revenue from this solar project will not only produce clean energy, tax revenue from it will help keep the county tax base strong. 


Some have criticized the Kansas Sky Energy Project because they feel area land should only be used for agriculture. The proposed project includes dual land use, for solar energy generation and for agricultural uses. Partnering with the Nature Conservancy, the plan includes a variety of vegetation, soil improvements, and promotes drainage. Importantly, there are willing landowners already contracted for this project.


The Douglas County Health Department recently conducted a study of risks from proposed wind and solar energy projects including evaluation of health concerns about galvanized pilings in solar installations. The Lawrence Journal World reported on March 3 that “the study found that the likelihood of negative public health impacts due to industrial solar energy seems limited.” The League knows the likelihood of negative public health impacts due to burning fossil fuels is great. 


Recently some have criticized the project because they found a flooding analysis tool that was not used to evaluate the project, but county staff thoroughly evaluated and recommended the Kansas Sky Energy Project.


In the book All We Can Save, essays by women scientists, we are cautioned that the need to stop burning fossil fuels to generate electricity is so urgent that

we all need to do the best we can as soon as we can. 


Our fellow citizens who oppose this project have engaged prominent voices to cast shade on the project, but the League of Women Voters of Lawrence-Douglas County proposes we need to let the sun shine in and approve the Kansas Sky Energy Project to safely generate the electricity we need without burning fossil fuels, with protection for the land and water, and with support for our tax base.  


If not now, when?  If not here, where?

Annual Meeting, Election, and Proposed Bylaws Changes

We hope you can join us in-person or on Zoom for the LWVL-DC Annual Meeting, Saturday, May 4, 2024.  For those in-person, we will be at the Smith Center at Brandon Woods, 4730 Brandon Woods Terrace, Lawrence and will begin with a brunch from 11:00- noon.  The program and business meeting will be from noon - 1:30 pm, in-person and on Zoom,   The program is a recording of a presentation made at LWVK Council by Barbara Block Paterick, LWVUS, “LWVUS Moonshot: Abolishing the Electoral College.”  Contact Carol Williamson,, if you have questions or if you would like to bring a brunch item to share. 

Thanks to the nominating committee for their work to bring us this slate of candidates.  

Vote on Bylaws Change at Annual Meeting

Lawrence-Douglas County League members will vote on these bylaws changes at the May 4 Annual Meeting.  These changes about dues are necessary because in 2025, all dues will be paid to LWVUS, not to the local League.  LWVUS will keep a portion (not more than ⅓) of dues paid by an LWVL-DC member and the rest will be sent to LWVKansas and to our local League, LWVL-DC.  These bylaws changes were approved by the LWVL-DC Board of Directors on March 12 and are ready for a vote of the membership.

Current bylaws state: 


Section 1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of LWVL-DC shall commence on the first day of April each year. 

Section 2. Dues. In 2024, LWVUS membership and board will set the dues for all Leagues. Until 2024, these provisions will apply to dues of LWVL-DC: LWVL-DC dues shall be set by the membership at the Annual Meeting. Section 3. LVL-DC Household Dues. When two or more members reside at the same address in a common household and are willing to share a single set of mailings, dues shall be the amount determined at the Annual Meeting. 

Proposed 2024 change in bylaws:


Section 1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of LWVL-DC shall commence on the first day of April each year. 

Section 2. Dues. Beginning in 2025, and continuing thereafter, dues will be paid to LWVUS and all members, except life members, will pay dues in accordance with LWVUS policy.  Life members are 50 year or more members and are excused from dues.   LWVL-DC members will pay dues to LWVUS and portions of each dues payment by an LWVL-DC member will be sent by LWVUS to LWVK and to LWVL-DC.  

Reminder:  Only active members may vote at the Annual Meeting.  To check if your membership is up to date or renew your membership, go to and click on “Join Us.”  Or, you will find a membership form in this newsletter that you can print and send to LWVL-DC, PO Box 1072, Lawrence, KS 66044 or bring your membership renewal to the Annual Meeting.

See you at the Annual Meeting!

Submitted by Carol Williamson

Change in City Government on the Ballot 

As part of our voter education efforts this election season, the League should provide helpful information to voters about resolution 7442, which will be on the November ballot. If approved, this would mean that the mayor would be elected directly and for a four-year term. Also it would expand the number of commissioners to six, with four representing districts and four representing the city at-large. If you are interested in discussing what messaging the League should provide about this resolution, please email Sonja Czarnecki at

Contribute to the Suffragist Memorial 

Artist Phyllis Pease was selected by the Suffragist Memorial Committee to share the mural she proposed that features Kansas suffragists in a historical landscape setting as shown.  Phyllis is making final adjustments to her proposed image to meet the requirements of the Capitol Preservation Committee.  Thanks to Lawrence-Douglas County League members, Cille King and Marlene Merrill who serve on the Kansas Suffragist Memorial Committee,  The committee aims for a 2025 installation of the memorial on the first floor of the Kansas Capitol.

If you would like to make a donation to the Suffragist Memorial Fund, print and send the donation form in this newsletter.

Local History News from Jeanne Klein

  • As many people may know, the Lawrence/Douglas County Community Remembrance Project Coalition had two EJI markers installed regarding the 1882 lynchings (near City Hall) and Margaret Vinegar (near the City Pool), as well as a kiosk near the pool regarding past racial discriminations. The Coalition recently decided to go “dormant” until other projects in the pipeline are ready for action steps. Meanwhile, the NAACP History Committee will be meeting monthly to explore future projects in order to develop “a more just and historically accurate narrative of the history of racial relations in our area.”

  • The Lawrence Historic Resources Commission plans to discuss two committee reports at its April 18 meeting (6:00 p.m.): an update on historic markers for Rick “Tiger” Dowdell and Nick Rice and criteria for future historic markers. Please consider attending this meeting in person or via Zoom to offer your public comments.

  • Jeanne Klein will present “Jennie Brooks: A Nature Lover in Lawrence” in the community room at Watkins Museum on Friday, April 19, 7:00-8:00 p.m. before Earth Day. Booklets will be available for purchase. Visit


LWVK Council, April 27 in Lawrence

LWVK will hold the 2024 Council in Lawrence on Saturday, April 27 from 10:00 am - 4:30 pm. The theme is “Make Every Vote Count.”   Council will be at Bishop Seabury Academy, 4210 Clinton Parkway Frontage, Lawrence. 

LWVL-DC wil host the Council.  Our LWVL-DC board member, Sage McHenry designed the logo.  Each local League sends 3 delegates as voting members with the LWVK board, but all LWVL-DC members may attend.  The speaker is  Barbara Paterick, LWVUS, “Moonshot: Abolishing the Electoral College.”  Council is in-person (not on Zoom).  Registration is open until April 20 at  There is a $25 fee to attend. Contact Carol Williamson, if you have questions.  

Volunteer opportunities in April: Phone Banking with Loud Light

Loud Light is one of our community partners that focuses on youth civic engagement. Loud Light and the League have partnered on voting and civil rights efforts for several years, including legal action against restrictions on our voter registration efforts. Consider supporting Loud Light by signing up for one or more of the upcoming phone bank events on abortion rights, trans rights, and voting rights this month. We are officially co-sponsoring the April 25th phone bank to encourage legislators to support voting rights in Kansas.

Student Sticker Design Contest 2024

The winning design is by Mia Rasmussen, Bishop Seabury Academy senior, class of 2024. Mia will receive a $100 prize, and her design will be printed and distributed at League tabling events. Congratulations, Mia!

Happy 80th Birthday to Marlene Merrill, shown here celebrating with Cille King.

This information was compiled with information from the
Douglas County Clerk’s Office and the Kansas Secretary of State’s Office by the

League of Women Voters of Lawrence/Douglas County

P.O. Box 1072, Lawrence, KS 66044   http:/


2024  Election Calendar

· Tue. Feb. 20 – Last day to register to vote in Presidential Preference Primary Election

· Wed. Feb. 28 – Advance Voting Begins for Presidential   

   Preference Primary; First day to send out mail ballots.

· Mon. Mar. 18 – Noon. In-person advance voting ends


For more information visit

· Tue. July 16 – Last day to register to vote in Primary Election

· Wed. July 17 – Advance Voting Begins for Primary Election; 

   First day to send out mail ballots.

· Mon. Aug. 5 – Noon. In-person advance voting ends



· Tue. Oct. 15 -Last day to register to vote in General Election

· Wed. Oct 16  – Advance Voting Begins for General Election; 

First day to send out mail ballots.

· Mon. Nov 4 – Noon. In-person advance voting ends


 Polling places are open 7am–7pm on Election Day. 

Register to vote online or check your registration at or

Find your candidates and their positions at

League of Women Voters Lawrence Douglas County
PO Box 1072
Lawrence, KS 66044
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League of Women Voters of Lawrence-Douglas County

Address: PO Box 1072

Lawrence, Kansas 66044