Annual Meeting, Election, and Proposed Bylaws Changes
We hope you can join us in-person or on Zoom for the LWVL-DC Annual Meeting, Saturday, May 4, 2024. For those in-person, we will be at the Smith Center at Brandon Woods, 4730 Brandon Woods Terrace, Lawrence and will begin with a brunch from 11:00- noon. The program and business meeting will be from noon - 1:30 pm, in-person and on Zoom, The program is a recording of a presentation made at LWVK Council by Barbara Block Paterick, LWVUS, “LWVUS Moonshot: Abolishing the Electoral College.” Contact Carol Williamson,, if you have questions or if you would like to bring a brunch item to share.

Thanks to the nominating committee for their work to bring us this slate of candidates.
Vote on Bylaws Change at Annual Meeting
Lawrence-Douglas County League members will vote on these bylaws changes at the May 4 Annual Meeting. These changes about dues are necessary because in 2025, all dues will be paid to LWVUS, not to the local League. LWVUS will keep a portion (not more than ⅓) of dues paid by an LWVL-DC member and the rest will be sent to LWVKansas and to our local League, LWVL-DC. These bylaws changes were approved by the LWVL-DC Board of Directors on March 12 and are ready for a vote of the membership.
Current bylaws state:
Section 1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of LWVL-DC shall commence on the first day of April each year.
Section 2. Dues. In 2024, LWVUS membership and board will set the dues for all Leagues. Until 2024, these provisions will apply to dues of LWVL-DC: LWVL-DC dues shall be set by the membership at the Annual Meeting. Section 3. LVL-DC Household Dues. When two or more members reside at the same address in a common household and are willing to share a single set of mailings, dues shall be the amount determined at the Annual Meeting.
Proposed 2024 change in bylaws:
Section 1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of LWVL-DC shall commence on the first day of April each year.
Section 2. Dues. Beginning in 2025, and continuing thereafter, dues will be paid to LWVUS and all members, except life members, will pay dues in accordance with LWVUS policy. Life members are 50 year or more members and are excused from dues. LWVL-DC members will pay dues to LWVUS and portions of each dues payment by an LWVL-DC member will be sent by LWVUS to LWVK and to LWVL-DC.
Reminder: Only active members may vote at the Annual Meeting. To check if your membership is up to date or renew your membership, go to and click on “Join Us.” Or, you will find a membership form in this newsletter that you can print and send to LWVL-DC, PO Box 1072, Lawrence, KS 66044 or bring your membership renewal to the Annual Meeting.
See you at the Annual Meeting!
Submitted by Carol Williamson