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HomeHelen Fluker Award

Helen Fluker Open and Accessible Government Award

Since 1999, the League of Women Voters of Lawrence-Douglas County has honored a fellow citizen with the Helen Fluker Open and Accessible Government Award. The award is given in honor of the late Helen Fluker, who was a long-time League member serving on its board and twice as its president.


Nomination Requirements and Form


The League invites you to nominate a person worthy of recognition for contributions to your community. If you represent an organization, your nominee does not need to be a member. Feel free to submit an updated form for a previous nominee. Nominations for 2024 will close on June 1, 2024. For more information, please contact James Fluker, 202-431-7577,


The nominee should be a Kansas resident 18 years or older whose efforts have promoted transparency in government. The activities for which the person is nominated may be volunteer work or an extension of a regular job position. Some accomplishments worthy of consideration include:


  • Improving public access to local or state government processes
  • Educating the public about an issue of importance
  • Working for greater accountability from state and local representatives
  • Legislating or promoting legislation to increase government transparency


Nominations are now open using the form on this page. The form is available to fill out online, print and mail in, or download for digitally filling out and submit via email. The Award Luncheon will take place in August 2023 to celebrate the honor. Time and location TBD.


2024 Fluker Award Nomination Form - Online


2024 Fluker Award Form - PDF


2024 Fluker Award Form - Word Doc



2024 Winner, April Holman

Fluker Award June, 21 2024 - Winner, April Holman


The League of Women Voters of Lawrence-Douglas County is pleased to announce that it will honor April Holman, Executive Director of the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas, with the twenty-fifth annual Helen Fluker Open and Accessible Government Award. 

Ms. Holman is recognized for her ongoing work to expand medical insurance coverage to the tens of thousands of Kansans who are unable to qualify for KanCare (Medicare) but who do not have access to private health insurance.  As Executive Director of the Alliance, which coordinates the activities of over 130 organizations throughout Kansas, Ms. Holman has led efforts to increase awareness of this vital issue among both the public and state legislators, to combat misinformation, and to introduce legislation to extend KanCare coverage.  

Each year, the Helen Fluker Open and Accessible Government Award recognizes a Kansas resident whose efforts have educated the public about state or local government processes, enhanced access to services, expanded government accountability or supported legislation to increase governmental transparency.

The Award is named after Helen (Naramore) Fluker, a 1941 University of Kansas Graduate who, after a career spent mostly overseas, returned to Lawrence with her husband in 1974. Here, she became a long-time League member, serving twice as its president. Following her death in 1998, the League and her family established the Award.  Previous honorees have included reporters, local and state government officials, and NGO leaders.  

Ms. Holman will receive the Award at a public luncheon Saturday, July 20 at Maceli’s Bistro, 1031 New Hampshire St.  The event begins at 11:00 am, and lunch is $20 per person, payable by cash or check at the door.  Reservations can be made by emailing Carol Williamson at and are due by July 1st.

Past Winners

Jameela Fluker Lanza, James Fluker, Cille King
Cille King receiving award from James Fluker

Recent Recipients of the Helen Fluker

Open and Accessible Government Award

2023 Dennis "Boog" Highberger


Open and accessible government has been the hallmark of Rep. Highberger’s service since he began representing the 46th district in the Kansas Legislature in 2015. 

Highberger has been a champion of voting rights and free and open elections for all citizens. He was cosponsor of Kansas 2022 HB2002 to enact the national popular vote interstate compact for electing the president of the United States, and has voted in the KS House to block numerous voter suppression bills.

He has also championed accessible government in another way. He has not let his mobility challenges keep him from exemplary service in city and state government. He is an example of determination and hard work to all who work with him and benefit from his service in the Kansas legislature.

2022 Cille King

For over a decade, Cille King has worked with the League of Women Voters to keep her fellow Kansans – including members of the State Legislature – informed on legislative issues.  As two-time Co-President of the Kansas League, she served as the organization’s spokesperson, presenting official League positions to the public and Legislative bodies.  She continues in an advocacy role, focusing on such key issues as redistricting.  She also helped organize and train the League’s Legislative Observers, who follow Legislative Committees and topics, and report on key issues to the League membership.  She has energetically promoted voter registration.

Nominator Teresa Briggs noted, “Cille has helped elevate the League’s nonpartisan efforts to protect voter rights with her boundless knowledge, vast experience, energy and enthusiasm.”

2021 Molly M. Wood

Molly Wood, JD, is an attorney with Stephens & Brand of Lawrence, and Board President of Kansas Advocates for Better Care. She is recognized for her many years of work on behalf of Kansas’ elder community and other vulnerable adults, both as an attorney specializing in elder law and as a volunteer.  

Molly’s work has enabled thousands of Kansans to know their rights with regard to KanCare / Medicaid and other healthcare and support services.  Through newspaper editorials, articles, legislative testimony, telephone helplines and other outreach, she continues to work to ensure that the State fulfils its obligations under the law.

2020 Davis Hammet

Davis Hammet is the former Director of Operations for the international progressive nonprofit, Planting Peace, where he worked to maintain and expand programs around the world ranging from medical relief to human rights and bullying prevention. He co-created the rainbow-colored Equality House across from the Westboro Baptist Church hate group, and lived there for 5 years. His work and commentary have been covered in The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, and other major outlets.

After several years of successfully organizing to win election victories from the local to national level, Davis founded Loud Light to advance youth civic participation and mobilize underrepresented communities in Kansas.

2019 Sonja Czarnecki

2019 award recipient Sonja Czarnecki is the Dean of Students and a history teacher at Bishop Seabury Academy in Lawrence. Sonja was nominated by her student, Hilary Bowersock Griggs, highlighting Sonja’s passion for making government accessible to her students. She has invited political candidates to speak at school assemblies and meet with students, and has used her voice, both in and outside of school, to encourage citizen participation in government. Sonja is member of the Lawrence Douglas County League of Women Voters and actively involved in registering voters. Hilary’s brother, Lyle Griggs introduced Sonja at the luncheon.

League of Women Voters of Lawrence-Douglas County

Address: PO Box 1072

Lawrence, Kansas 66044